[Raku PDF Project] / [FontConfig Module] / FontConfig :: Match
A result from matching a FontConfig Pattern
use FontConfig;
use FontConfig::Pattern;
use FontConfig::Match;
use FontConfig::Match::Series;
my FontConfig::Pattern $patt .= parse: 'Arial,sans:style<italic>';
# find the closest match
my FontConfig::Match $best-match = $patt.match;
say "Best matching font: " ~ $best-match.format(':%{fullname}: %{file} (%{fontformat})');
# find a series of matches. Ordered by best match first
say "Best five matching fonts:";
my $n = 0;
for $patt.match-series(:trim) -> FontConfig::Match $match {
say (++$n)~ $match.format(':%{fullname}: %{file} (%{fontformat})');
last if $n >= 5;
This class is based on FontConfig and has all its method available.