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Read font files and render glyphs using FreeType2

[Raku PDF Project] / [Font-FreeType Module] / Font::FreeType :: BBox

class Font::FreeType::BBox

A generic font or glyph bounding box


use Font::FreeType;
use Font::FreeType::BBox;
use Font::FreeType::Face;
use Font::FreeType::Glyph;

my Font::FreeType $freetype .= new;
my Font::FreeType::Face $vera = $freetype.face('t/fonts/Vera.ttf');
constant FontSize = 12;
# get the font bounding box

my Font::FreeType::BBox $bbox = $vera.bbox;
say 'font "%s" (%s) %dpt has bbox [%.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f]'.sprintf($, $, FontSize, $bbox.x-min, $bbox.y-min, $bbox.x-max, $bbox.y-max);
# get the bounding box for an individual glyph
$vera.for-glyphs: "X", -> Font::FreeType::Glyph $glyph {
    my Font::FreeType::BBox $bbox = $glyph.bounding-box;
    say 'glyph "%s" %dpt has bbox [%.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f]'.sprintf($glyph.Str, FontSize, |$bbox);


This object is a subclass of Array. It represents a bounding box as 4 elements with accessor aliases x-min, y-min, x-max and y-max.


x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max

The bottom-left and top right coordinates of the bounding box. These can also be accessed as a four element array.

width, height

Aliases for x-max - x-min and y-max - y-min.

x-scale, y-scale

The bounding x and y scale of the bounding box.