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Font loader for the PDF tool-chain

[Raku PDF Project] / [PDF-Font-Loader Module] / PDF::Font::Loader :: Dict

class PDF::Font::Loader::Dict

Loads a font from a PDF font dictionary


This an internal class, typically invoked from the PDF::Font::Loader load-font method to facilitate font loading from PDF font dictionaries.


The following example loads and summarizes page-level fonts:

use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use PDF::Content::Font;
use PDF::Content::FontObj;

constant Fmt = "%-30s %-8s %-10s %-3s %-3s";
sub yn($_) {.so ?? 'yes' !! 'no' }

my %SeenFont{PDF::Content::Font};
my PDF::Lite $pdf .= open: "t/fontobj.pdf";
say sprintf(Fmt, |<name type encode emb sub>);
say sprintf(Fmt, |<-------------------------- ------- ---------- --- --->);
for 1 .. $ {
    my PDF::Content::Font %fonts = $$_).gfx.resources('Font');

    for %fonts.values -> $dict {
        unless %SeenFont{$dict}++ {
            my PDF::Content::FontObj $font = PDF::Font::Loader.load-font: :$dict, :quiet;
            say sprintf(Fmt, .font-name, .type, .enc, .is-embedded.&yn, .is-subset.&yn)
                given $font;


name                      |     type    |  encode    | emb | sub
DejaVuSans                |    Type0    | identity-h | yes | no 
Times-Roman               |    Type1    | win        | no  | no 
WenQuanYiMicroHei         |    TrueType | win        | no  | no 
NimbusRoman-Regular       |    Type1    | win        | yes | no 
Cantarell-Oblique         |    Type1    | win        | yes | no



method load-font-opts(Hash :$dict!, Bool :$embed) returns Hash

Produces a set of PDF::Font::Loader load-font() options for the font dictionary.


method is-core-font(Hash $dict) returns Bool

Determine if the dictionary describes a PDF core font.